Academic Writing  Course is based on Writing 1, Writing 2, and Writing 3 Courses as well as courses on English  structures and vocabulary.  Assuming that Writing 1 focuses on word choice and sentence development, Writing 2 on paragraph development, and Writing 3 on writing as a discourse, Academic Writing, therefore, focuses on  issues related to academic writing itself, that is,  a construction of a writer’s ideas on a topic with good organization, word choice, sentence structures, paragraph structures, mechanics, including references in general, paraphrasing and quoting other’s ideas in particular.  In other words, these are issues to be discussed in this course, yet such discussion will be based on a student’s own academic writing that he/she is supposed to produce along this semester.  This is why this course will require students to talk a lot about their own academic articles, to read a lot related to their topics, and to write as well as to publish actively what they write.  In that sense, some teaching materials will be implicitly introduced, whereas others are explicitly taught.