Structure is a content subject and becomes an essensial skill-supporting subject for language skill development. It covers a wide range of English grammar topics, and therefore is divided into three consecutive classes, arranged in order of material difficulty from Structure I until Structure III.

Structure I is the very basic one. It is compulsory to students of English Education Study Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. This subject weighs 3 credit and focuses on basic knowledge of English grammar, covering the following topics: (1). English Part of Speech; (2) Sentence and Its Basic Constituents; (3) English Basic Sentence Patterns; and (4) English Verb Tenses (Simple tenses, Continuous tenses, Perfect Tenses, Perfect Continuous Tenses).

By mastering these grammar topics, students are expected to be able to apply them in their academic life, especially when they are writing paper assignment or their final projects or thesis. With this grammar knowledge, students will be able to construct sentences with various length, structure and complexity, which indicate their language maturity in the use English. The knowledge is also believed to be useful for the students in doing other content subjectsduring their study.