Welcome to SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISTION Class. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the offline class meeting is shifted temporally to online meeting. You will be notified to go back to the regular class meeting. I hope you can still enjoy the class. 



1.      Students should enroll this course, attend the meetings and obey the rules.

2.      The class is conducted once a week according to the schedule.

3.      The class employs student centered learning approach with several learning method, such as : discussion, problem based solving, lecture, etc.

4.      The student participation is evaluated according to the following rules :

a.       Midterm Test                    :  ……………………………  30%

b.      Final Test                          :  ……………………………  30  %

c.       Assigment                         :.................................................15%

d.      Softskill                             : ................................................25%

5.      Late submission to assignments and students works should be communicated with the lecture.

6.      Late arrival to attend the class is tolerated for 10 minutes both for students and lecture.

7.      The students should dress properly while attending the class and keep the classroom clean.