Sri Widinugraheni is a lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture in the Department of Agrotechnology, Universitas Nusa Cendana, majoring in Plant Protection and Plant Pathology. She holds several subjects for lecturing the undergraduate program related to her interests including Agriculture Microbiology, Botany, Agriculture Biotechnology, Plant Diseases and several other subjects which are selected to serve the department.
Sri Widinugraheni adalah dosen di Fakultas Pertanian, Jurusan Agroteknologi, Universitas Nusa Cendana, pada bidang ilmu Perlindungan Tanaman dan Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan. Beliau mengasuh beberapa matakuliah terkait bidang ilmu, seperti Mikrobiologi Pertanian, Botani, Bioteknologi Pertanian, Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan dan beberapa matakuliah lain yang dibebankan untuk melayani PBM di Jurusan Agroteknologi.
Publikasi :
1. A SIX1 homolog in Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense tropical race 4 contributes to virulence towards Cavendish banana
Widinugraheni S, Niño-Sánchez J, van der Does HC, van Dam P, García-Bastidas FA, et al. (2018) A SIX1 homolog in Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense tropical race 4 contributes to virulence towards Cavendish banana. PLOS ONE 13(10): e0205896.
3. Efficacy of indigenous Trichoderma isolates of West Timor, Indonesia, as biocontrol agents of brown spot (Drechslera oryzae) on two upland rice varieties. Mau, Y. S., Prayetno, R. S., Kaka, H., Naat, K. D., Henuk, J. B. D., Hahuly, M. V., ... & Gandut, Y. R. Y. (2022).Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 32(1), 1-10.
Detail pengguna
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- Indonesia
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Detail kursus
- Profil kursus
- Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Agrotek 6
- Teknologi Budidaya Tanaman. Agrotek 5
- Mikrobiologi Pertanian. Agrotek 5
- Bakteriologi dan Virologi. PLT 2
- Epidemiologi Penyakit Tumbuhan. PLT 1
- Bioteknologi Pertanian/PNAGR 16316/Sem V/ Sri Widinugraheni (SW) & Dr. Roddialek Pollo Molle (RPM)
- Botani Umum_Kode MK : PNAGR 12203/AGR4/Sem II/Sri Widinugraheni, SP.M.Sc & Ir. Shirly S Oematan MS
- Fisiologi Tumbuhan _Kode MK : PNAGR12305/AGR6/Sem II/Sri Widinugraheni, SP.M.Sc & Ir. Effy Roefaida, MS
- Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan_Kode MK : PNPLT 13304/Agr6/Sem III/Sri Widinugraheni & Agustina E Nahas
- Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan_Kode MK : PNPLT 13304/Agr6/Sem III/Sri Widinugraheni & Agustina E Nahas
- Lihat selengkapnya
Aktivitas log masuk
- Akses pertama kali
- Rabu, 25 Maret 2020, 19:16 (4 tahun 242 hari)
- Akses terakhir ke situs
- Kamis, 7 Maret 2024, 09:37 (259 hari 20 jam)